Ep. 2 - A Conversation with Mitch Resnick, Founder of Scratch, Professor at MIT, and lifelong kindergartner


Yes this episode is about Scratch, one of the most well known programming language for kids, but it is about so much more. Join us as we talk with Scratch founder, Mitch Resnick, about bringing creativity back to the classroom. We dive deep into his time with his mentor Seymour Papert and into his creative process with his team in the MIT Media Lab. We cover his journey to where he is today, important things to remember when inspiring a child's imagination (on and off the screen), and the magic of being a lifelong kindergartner. Enjoy!


Ep. 3 - More than a Conversation with Science Communicator & Celebrity Steve Spangler


Episode 01 - Art, Startups, and Teaching Kids to Code: A conversation with Vidcode Cofounder Leandra Tejedor